Family attorneys fight hard for their clients, and they often have to help those clients navigate difficult situations. Perhaps you are divorcing your spouse, and you need help securing your financial future through alimony. Or maybe you are trying to adopt a child who has been the victim of abuse, and you need a lawyer to guide you through the legal process of gaining guardianship. A good family lawyer does not just help their clients navigate the law; they help their clients move forward into better life situations. We appreciate the work these attorneys do, and we have dedicated this blog to spread the word about their profession.
26 June 2023
When it comes to businesses people trust, their pharmacy likely ranks highly. However, when medications are dispensed by humans, mistakes can occur. If you have recently discovered that a pharmacy has made a serious mistake in dispensing medication, it is important to take immediate action to address the situation and ensure personal safety. Here are some steps to consider: Contact the Pharmacy Notify the pharmacy about the mistake as soon as possible.
19 April 2023
As you go through a divorce, you may wonder what will happen to your family business. The fate of a family business can vary depending on how it is funded and managed and where you live. If you are concerned about retaining control, you should speak with a family lawyer before finalizing your divorce. Determine Who the Business Belongs To You must determine if your business is considered marital or separate property.
25 January 2023
Common law marriage is one of those things that reside alongside several common myths. No one knows why some people have the idea that you must stay together for seven years to be in a common-law marriage. In fact, no such number exists. Read on for more surprising facts about common-law marriage. Not All States Recognize Common Law Marriages While you can still be common law married, the number of states that recognize this type of union is diminishing all the time.
23 November 2022
In a divorce case, it is always in your best interest to come to an agreement with your spouse regarding certain issues. If you and your spouse are not able to reach an agreement, the judge overseeing your case will be forced to set the terms of your divorce settlement. While it is possible that these terms will be favorable for you, it is equally possible that the outcome will not prove beneficial.
21 September 2022
Separation can be hard on you, especially if alimony is involved. If you relied on your partner for support while you were in marriage, they might want to cut ties with you completely after the separation and avoid supporting you. However, it's vital to maintain your lifestyle and standard of living even after this event. If separation threatens to rid you of financial security and stability, contacting a divorce attorney can boost your odds of being awarded spousal support.